Trusting relationships are a prerequisite developing an organization characterized by teamwork, cooperation and success.
To build trust you need to be perceived as trustworthy before you can release human potential and empower your co-workers. But trust is a two-way street, and organizations thrive when co-workers not only trust their leaders, but also feel trusted by their leaders.
In high-trust organizations, leaders make the effort to care for their employees, customers, stakeholders and the society in which they operate. And it’s conscious leaders make shared purpose an integral part, enabling people to get a feeling of meaningfulness from their work.
Organizations driven by conscious leaders benefit from greater synergy among stakeholders. Collectively, it enables them to achieve far more than would it be possible individually. Other benefits include increased respect, cooperation, communication, relations, engaged co-workers, and a greater reputation beneficial for a sustainable successful future.
Want to learn more about becoming a Conscious Leader? Please follow the link to our training at Informator in the first comment below.
All the best,
Therése & Aila
Enterprise Performance Management
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Aila Kekkonen
Therése M. Sandberg
Leadership Tip - Week 23
Leadership Tip - Week 23
Aila Kekkonen
Therése M. Sandberg
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